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What Our Customers are saying:

Please leave us feedback! We look forward to hearing from you.

Cheryl Schmelzle with Lilly & Petunia said : Aug 4th, 2019
My Bassett’s love treats but when I shake the tin I keep the special granola berry crunchie bars in they come running. They smell so great just like yummy granola bars. I like these best because they are really crunchie and it take the girlies longer to chew through them. Hoping for more flavors in future, how about carrots and apple granola bars? Thanks Howlaboutitbakery. Cheryl

Susie said:  July 6th, 2018

Lucy may have crossed the rainbow bridge, but we now have a grandpup, Maddie, to enjoy these wonderful treats!! Funny, Maddie learned, after her first treat, where I kept them in the cabinet. Maybe she was guided by Lucy. I like to think that! Maddie's favs are the peach or cranberry treats. But she doesn't discriminate...she loves them all. Thanks sooo much Amanda

Pia Lombardi said : May 6th, 2018
Oh my gosh I got some treats at the Howell Farmers Market and my dog just loved them thank you so much for this nutritious treat. We will definitely be buying again when you return to the farmer's market in Howell

Becky Holmes  said: Nov. 4th, 2017

The samples that were sent out were loved by the dogs- too bad there are now 2 dogs at my house, and they go so quickly!!

Lee Ann Davis said:   September 13th, 2015 6:43 pm
Can't wait to try the treats for my fur baby Chiquita! She's very picky so trying to th I k of what she would like! Thank you for you donating to Devoted Barn and others!

Susie and Lucy said:   February 14th, 2015 2:50 pm
Lucy LOVES your treats so much....all I have to say is 'you want 'manda-mandas?' She runs right over to the cabinet and puts her nose in the box....it's sooo cute!!

Venita Bentley said:   January 25th, 2015 7:54 pm
Thank you for donating 25% of your sales to pet rescue groups and other worthy causes.

Jan wilhelm said:   October 22nd, 2013 12:12 pm
wow I guess my friend Terri Gallant and Buddy must of sent my name to you and I thank her, my Pup Pier Mae love her treat you sent what a nice Surpise for her yesterday thank you I hope to order soon thanks again

Terri Gallant & Buddy said:   July 10th, 2013 9:54 pm
Buddy has LOVED your treats since the very first batch you made for him. I still thinks half the time he just wants outside so he can have a treat when he comes in :) lol

Christy Shoup said:   July 4th, 2013 1:46 pm
Glad to see you have a site up and running, Amanda! Looks great! I'm expecting a new (furry) addition in 8 weeks--just born on the first. So I'm sure she'll love the treats as much as Hayley did. And I'm really touched to see Hayley is in your photo gallery! One of the original and biggest fans of your baking!!!!

Caree Jackson said:   May 28th, 2013 9:21 pm
I love this having a adopted dog baby myself that has for allergies. I cant wait to get some and try them out

Janice Savannah Rayna & Paco said:   April 29th, 2013 9:31 pm
My pack LOVES your biscuits :)

Lisa Saunders said:   April 29th, 2013 9:20 pm
My three dogs cannot get enough of your treats. I love how you support rescue also!

renee klein said:   March 27th, 2013 5:16 pm
Oliver and sapphire love the treats . Thank you. 

Kimm Oswald said:   January 24th, 2013 6:18 am
Thank you for supporting Babes for Bullies! :-D

Sandy Magistrelli said:   January 13th, 2013 6:26 pm