​So, our story starts with the adoption of Mayble. A very abused and neglected boxer who we soon find out had a wheat and corn allergy. She did not like any of the treats from the store, so we began our journey. Like a howling mad scientist in the kitchen mixing and baking away, trying this oil and that one, testing this flour or that one. Batch after batch, ones that upset the stomach, ones that she would eat but did not truly like. Unlike her adopted friend Neko, who loves anything that has to do with food like the typical hound he is, Mayble was picky and sensitive. We later found out that she needed food and treats with fat levels in the lower range, closer to 10%. So back to mad scientist mode we went. Healthy but tasty so we searched and mixed and finally decided fruits and veggies would be the way to go, with the natural sweeteners in them.

Finally the idea is born how fun would it be to be able to start a dogie bake shop. Cookies without the preservatives, wheat or corn to give people the options I could not seem to find in the store. A healthy homemade treat my dog would actually eat and enjoy. Since working years in the vet field and seeing more and more pets come in and be diagnosed with food allergies and owning one myself. I knew the frustration of wanting to give a treat like all the others but wanting them to enjoy and get excited for it as well.

Mayble was the reason I started, then it became more of a way to make a difference. Healthier treats that almost any dog can eat and a way to give back to other pets waiting on their forever homes. After analysis testing so far we are doing pretty well at staying close to the 10% - 15% area in fat, though now we are getting into cakes and pastries and icing the fat levels do tend to go up.

Though Mayble is no longer with us in body, due to sever hip and knee problems, her spirit and memories keep us going. Out of all those years, her favorite was the Blue Berry 'N' Rye cookies with or without the yogurt icing. For those, she would sit by the oven and sniff, waiting for them to come out.

Special thanks to all of those who have helped us through in so many ways. Especially to all of those whose pups have been so kind as to test out the flavors and help decide if the recipe is worth keeping for the shop or if we need to go back to mad scientist mode and find something else that works. We couldn't have done it without you.

Howl it all started ...